Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Week 12 Reading A: Beowulf

King Hygelac and Queen Hygd of Geatsland

The Geats were warriors. Caves were inhabited by monsters and beasts found in the forests. Hygd was called the wise and fair.

The young Beowulf

Nephew to the king and named one of his thanes, and was the strongest youth around. Admitted into Hygelacs personal retainers and a feast was placed for them. Older Lords questioned why Beowulf sat at the feet of the king, some answered with nepotism others because of his strength. 

Beowulf's Resolve

He wanted to slay the monster named Grendel. King Hygelac sent Beowulf and said not to return should he fail.

Beowulf's Journey

14 men are sent with Beowulf.

Beowulf lands in Daneland

They saw all sorts of sea monsters. Reached Hroethgars castle.

Heorot the greatest mead hall was in disarray. Hrothgar appears with elderly warriors. Beowulf explains the reasoning behind his journey to the king. The King explains that Grendel frequents the great hall.

The words of unferth

Heorot held a great banquet. Wealhtheow is queen here. Unferth lies about Beowulf's youth and the events that happened.


 Beowulf: The fearless warrior battles Grendel, Grendel's mother, and a fire-breathing dragon.

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Week 12 Reading A: Beowulf

King Hygelac and Queen Hygd of Geatsland The Geats were warriors. Caves were inhabited by monsters and beasts found in the forests. Hygd was...