Saturday, February 6, 2021

Week 2: Feedback

Silence the Critical Voices in Your Head
Critical voices
This article stresses the importance of rewiring your brain to see the positives and hear them. I sold books door to door with Southwestern Advantage for 5 summers. I worked 14hrs/day, 6 days/week and let me tell you the rejection after my first summer didn't phase me. What phased me was my own critical thoughts, the voice inside my head! At SWA we called him "Mr. Mediocrity" and the only way to beat him was to use positive self-talk, constantly reaffirming yourself. Just like the article talks about focusing on the positive! It's so incredibly important! loved this article.

Make Good Art: Neil Gaiman’s Advice on the Creative Life
Good Art
This was such a beautiful article and speech. I love how Gaimann is completely blunt about his own experience and the perception these college graduates should have walking out into the world. He wants everyone to know nothing so that anything is possible. You have no limits when you don't know any better that there are some. This was my favorite point out of the whole speech.

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Week 12 Reading A: Beowulf

King Hygelac and Queen Hygd of Geatsland The Geats were warriors. Caves were inhabited by monsters and beasts found in the forests. Hygd was...