Monday, April 5, 2021

Week 11: Reading Part A

 Week 10: British North America


Bella Coola believes in 5 worlds. Afraid of Nothing created the whole world and battled with the mountains and broke them apart and made them smaller. Her visits cause sickness and death when she visits.

Queen Charlotte Islands

Creation of the World: Wyandot

People living beyond the skies. The chief's daughter fell through the sky and she was caught by swans. The council decides to build the woman and island by diving for earth by the tree's roots. Many animals drowned trying. Old Toad was very small and ugly and dove down for earth and brought some. The earth was placed on big turtles' back and grew into an island. it grew larger and larger and became the world we know today.

How the Earth Was Formed: Cree

Wisagatcak attempts to catch beaver but is stoped but muskrat. He floods the land and makes a raft and takes two of every kind of animal for 2 weeks. Muskrat drowns while diving and crow could not find anything. Earth appeared and grew on the raft from the moss. All done by making magic.

Creation of the Earth: Thompson River

Sun and his wife Earth, she was left alone when Sun and Moon and Stars left her. Old Man sent them into the sky to remain where everyone can see them. Earth was made to take care of people and now she can see Sun at all times.

Origin of Light and Fire: Lillooet

Raven and SeaGull were friends. The world was dark because Sea Gull owned the light which was kept in a box. Raven planned to get the daylight and tricked him and got thorns stuck. Raven offered to help if SeaGull let some light out of the box. Little by little he asked for more light and knocked the box opens and daylight spread all over the world. The baby was stolen by Raven and he went to the Fire People and asked for fire.

The Burning of the World: Cree

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